White dress
When and why to choose women's white dress?
White is the favorite color of silence, tranquility, peace, purity and innocence. A lot could be said about it, but the most important thing is the feeling it gives when you wear a blouse, skirt, pants or dress in this color. White is considered the strongest color, not because it will provoke, but because of the charge it gives. It seems to combine purity, tenderness and strength in one.
The color white and the seasons:
White is a favorite and chosen color in every season, and this is no accident. In the cold months, it complements the snowflakes that fall playfully, completes the fairy tale and stands delicately and gracefully. At this moment, a soft stylish white long-sleeve knit dress is a good choice. And in the warm season, the choice of formal white dresses brings lightness and childlike purity. For this reason, wedding dresses are in this color. The newlyweds believe that marriage predetermines a new path in their lives that they will take. Therefore, the woman sets out for her new future, putting her past behind her, dressed in white. The white color of the dress combines tenderness, innocence and hidden elegance. It symbolizes the dream of a new life, more beautiful and pure like a child.